adventure blog

Love Your Shoulders: Improving Overhead Mobility

Overhead mobility can be explained simply as having adequate motion to allow the arms to be positioned overhead without compensation. Shoulder overhead mobility requires multiple moving body parts working together. Without adequate motion in the right muscles and joints, you run the risk of exposing other body regions to excessive strain due to compensatory strategies, for example, extreme extension through the neck, thoracic spine, or lumbar spine.

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sports nutrition, performance, diet, strength, energy Elios Health sports nutrition, performance, diet, strength, energy Elios Health

Top 3 Components of a Sports Nutrition Plan

At Elios Health, it is the responsibility of our certified sports nutritionist, Dr. Marieta Buse ND to help patients make more intuitive decisions around food.

Eating healthy is much easier when you have a plan and great habits.

Here are three areas to help maintain an optimal balance with your nutrition and diet.

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