adventure blog
What is Scapular Dyskinesis?
Scapular dyskinesia is a broad term used to describe a range of dysfunctional or abnormal movements of the scapula (shoulder blade). The term “dyskinesia” literally means bad or abnormal movement (“dys” = bad/abnormal, “kinesia” = “movement”). Learn more from our experienced physiotherapists.
3 Exercise to Improve Shoulder Stability
Rachel (Physio Beta) is at it again.
Enjoy three of her favourite exercises for improving shoulder stability.
Hint: one of them requires balance!
3 signs of shoulder instability in climbing
Every climber understands that having strong shoulders is crucial. Many climbers focus on strengthening the larger, mobilizing muscles of the shoulder with exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and shoulder press; but neglect rotator cuff muscles that stabilize the joint.