adventure blog
Dr. Marieta Buse, ND — Competing in her first bodybuilding show in 2025!
Did you know that I am competing in my first bodybuilding show in 2025?
Nine weeks ago, I started on my goal to compete in my first bodybuilding show. Since then, I’ve received a lot of questions, so I wanted to answer a few of the most common ones.
Is hot stone massage covered by insurance?
How could this be a rock climbing clinic without hot stone massage? It just makes sense. Did you know that you can use your RMT benefits if the hot stone massage is administered by an RMT? Well lucky for you, our Registered Massage Therapist here at Elios Health is super stoked to help you have an incredible hot stone massage experience. RMT on Main Street is definitely the way to go!
Love Your Shoulders: Improving Overhead Mobility
Overhead mobility can be explained simply as having adequate motion to allow the arms to be positioned overhead without compensation. Shoulder overhead mobility requires multiple moving body parts working together. Without adequate motion in the right muscles and joints, you run the risk of exposing other body regions to excessive strain due to compensatory strategies, for example, extreme extension through the neck, thoracic spine, or lumbar spine.
Recovery in Climbing (Part II) - 3 Ways to Recover
Part II of our series, “Recovery in Climbing.”
Can’t help but wonder - is there a difference in short, medium, and long-term recovery? Should you approach each differently? Short answer - yes.
Long answer - read on to learn more about how to maximize recovery from our Vancouver physiotherapy author Rachel Rubin-Sarganis.
Recovery in Climbing (Part I) - 5 Causes of Fatigue
Any serious athlete knows that recovery is just as important as the training itself. If you want to optimize your climbing performance, knowing how to limit fatigue and speed up recovery is as important as knowing how to perform a knee-bar, a finger jam, or drop-knee. Your ability to recover after a hard training session or working on a climbing project depends on numerous factors including age, genetics, and fitness level, but regardless of these factors, there are various tips and strategies that you can use to help enhance the recovery process!
6 Types of Manual Therapy that will Leave you Feeling Better
Manual therapy encompasses a range of techniques used by physiotherapists to assess and treat injuries and chronic conditions causing pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion of the arms, legs, and spine. It involves hands-on treatments geared towards improving muscle function while minimizing pain.
Read on to learn more about the types of manual therapy, and who it helps!